Pack 1540 Annual Dues

Pack 1540 Annual Dues

from $40.00

All Scouts, both new and returning, pay yearly dues to the Pack at the beginning of each Scout year (September). When a Scout pays their dues each year, they receive the following:

  • Scout Handbook for their new rank

  • Neckerchief for their new rank

  • All earned awards and patches throughout the year

  • Free or reduced cost for Pack Activities (Pinewood Derby Car, Fall and Spring Campsites, etc.)

  • Full privileges of National BSA registration

  • New Scouts also receive a “Class B” Pack T-shirt when they join the Pack (additional t-shirts may be purchased in subsequent years).

At Pack 1540, we strive to keep dues as low as possible and to ensure that the programming far exceeds the annual cost. In fact, our dues don’t cover our expenses each year (from awards to programming, to camping) and we rely heavily on our popcorn fundraiser to offset these costs.

It costs the troop approximately $375 per year to provide the Scouting program to one Scout. These costs include national fees ($80), council fees ($80), awards and advancement, training, pinewood derby kits, equipment, and more. Therefore, in addition to your $40 dues, we ask each Scout and his family to raise at least $400 in fundraising this year though our popcorn fundraising program. For example, if you sell $400 in popcorn, with a ~30% commission, the troop earns approximately $135.

While we expect that each Scout will work to earn his own way, we understand that every family has different resources. If you are short on time, you may “opt out” of fundraising by paying the $175, although we would ask your Scout to find a task or chore that they can do at home to “earn” this.


In Pack 1540, Adult registrations are free to individuals as they are covered by the Pack. Let Pack Committee Chair Drew Ensz know if you are interested in volunteering as a Den Leader, Pack Committee Member, or other role:


New Scouts will need to complete an online membership application form and pay a $105 national registration fee in addition to the Pack registration ($25 new registration fee + $80 annual national membership fee). New Scouts do not pay the new council fee in 2023 ($80). Scout Life magazine subscription is optional.

Select “New Scout” options below when paying the Pack Dues - 2 options:

  • $40 with commitment to sell $400 worth or popcorn

  • or $215 to opt-out of popcorn fundraising program ($40 pack dues + $175 popcorn opt-out fee)

Link to online membership application form:


Select “Returning Scout” options below when paying the Pack Dues - 2 options:

  • $200 with a commitment to sell $400 popcorn ($80 national fee + $80 council fee + $40 pack dues + $135 popcorn funds to pack from fundraiser)

  • or $375 to opt-out of popcorn fundraising program ($80 national fee + $80 council fee + $40 pack dues + $175 popcorn opt-out fee)


The Pack will provide the neckerchief but each Scout in 1st grade and above (Tiger rank and above) should as a minimum have an Official Cub Scout Uniform Shirt, typically $30 and available online or at the local Scout Shop


Financial assistance scholarships are available to any Scout family to assist or cover registration fees, dues, or the purchase of a uniform: Contact Pack Committee Chair Drew Ensz for more information:


In order for our Pack to function, a representative from each family will be required to fill one volunteer role in the Pack each year: Committee Member, Pack Cubmaster or Assistant Cubmaster, Den Leader or Assistant Den Leader, or Subcommittee Member, or a Lion Scout Adult Partner (for families with Scouts in kindergarten). Please pick a role and provide a name and contact information when completing the form. Volunteer roles and descriptions are provided on the Role of Adults section of our website.


Code of Conduct: Each Cub Scout's parent(s)/legal guardian(s) will review the Code of Conduct agreement with their son(s) or daughter(s) and agree to abide by the Code. All adults (leaders, volunteers, and family members) will review and agree to follow the Adult Code of Conduct and accept consequences for violating the code of conduct. Please check the Youth and Adult Code of Conduct “I agree” boxes when completing the form. The Code of Conduct is provided on the Youth Protection section of our website.

Pack Dues:
Register Here

This is for pack registration for all scouts (Lions - Webelos 2). The increased rate for Lions is because of BSA changes in dues.